via popsci
read about it over at scientific american
jeff wanted to write a song today and asked for history topics. I pointed him to this issue of Hark! A Vagrant:
and he produced this delightful song.
update: io9 article about Rosalind and how she was basically cheated out of the recognition she deserved.
alien life on our planet! (sort of!) and more here.
focus reaches temperatures over 3500°!
eric: have you ever heard of lake agassiz?
eric: it’s a lake that was formed in the middle of the US from glacier runoff
kara: no. oh it’s big. was big.
eric: larger than all the great lakes combined!
kara: are you reading something about it?
eric: just the wikipedia
eric: it’s interesting b/c apparently it just kept getting bigger and bigger as the glacier receded
kara: nowhere to drain?
eric: until eventually an opening into the ocean opened up
eric: and it all drained *at once*
kara: yikes – 1-3 meters rise in sea level!
kara: that’s INSANE!
eric: …meanwhile, in the bible…
kara: heh
kara: how did you come across this
eric: i was reading about biblical history
eric: abrahamic religions & so on
eric: i mean… theoretically if the timing on that is there they think it is, it accounts not only for the flood myths across various religions but also global cooling and the genesis of urban life & agriculture which led to monotheism in the first place
kara: …it’s weird that this is making me hot right?
eric: =D
not for the faint of heart. see it here, more info here.
watch the ‘discovery’ get prepped for launch! so so cool. I am not ashamed to say I cried at the end of this. I again quote a recent episode of ‘the big bang theory’:
…there are man-made objects on the moon, put there by a member of a species that only 60 years before had just invented the airplane!
humans are pretty amazing, guys. the things we can do are breathtaking.