Archives for the month of: September, 2007

today i went to the west hollywood book fair. i sat in on the ‘star trek: the manga‘ panel and had my copy signed by wil wheaton, don hudson, christine boylan and mike wellman. mike noted that my name was ‘kara’ “like starbuck!” which launched us into a whole battlestar galactica – bionic woman – burbank bsg convention discussion. afterwards i bought about $70 worth of comics then saw the ‘fables‘ panel with bill willingham, james jean and matthew sturges. i got the first trade of ‘jack of fables’ and the special golden apple ‘fables’ tshirt signed and also the book fair program guide, which james jean had illustrated. after that i saw ‘readings from banned books’ at the robertson salon. gary dourdan, xander berkeley, sarah clarke, catherine dent and adrean robbins read from various controversial books in a really intimate setting. very cool.

this movie was so good i had goosebumps the whole time and had to buy the soundtrack immediately after. go see this.

the LA county fair was fantastic, but remind me next year to space out the fried foods a little better. in all, i had 7, meghan had 8 and josh had 9:

  1. beer-battered french fries
  2. fried onion rings
  3. fried zucchini
  4. deep fried cookie dough
  5. deep fried coke
  6. deep fried sweet corn on the cob
  7. fried banana & peanut butter sandwich
  8. fried bacon-wrapped jalapeno filled with cheese (i didn’t have this one – i was busy eating my pork chop on a stick)
  9. fried avocado & tomato (i guess this was sort of gross so i didn’t try it either)

other fried foods available included frog legs, snickers, s’mores, oreos, waffles, artichokes and apple fries, which i really wanted to try but by that point i just couldn’t eat any more fried food. john and maria went and i got to meet their friends david and naomi who were awesome too. next up: halloween horror fest at the fairplex. woo!

addendum: on the way to the LA county fair after what seemed like hours of driving:

kara: where are we?

josh: pomona. orange county.

kara: …that can’t be right.

update: photos

via reuters

this sunday: the west hollywood book fair!

last night i went to oktoberfest with meghan and some of her grip friends from ‘zoey’. it was a great time – those guys are hilarious – but the whole situation was slightly odd since i had just been to germany. old world is in huntington beach and looks remarkably like the places i saw around the alps (except for the spanish tile roofs); there were painted buildings, lederhosen to buy and a german-speaking band. i sort of had a ‘bizarro-world’ feeling the entire time i was there, but it was easy to forget about it and have a good time. especially after austin explained ‘the spiderman’ and jacob was coerced into his 3rd mystery shot.

today pat and i went to beverly hills to the gagosian gallery to see tom sachs’ installation space program. it was pretty cool – a really tongue-in-cheek look at the apollo moon landings…or how to fake them. it’s going until october 13th, so if you’re in LA you should check it out!

6emeia’s street art in são paolo is fantastic. são paulo has been making a lot of news lately and seems like a pretty great place to be.

winter solstice meridian arc

see the whole set at flickr

the haircut by m. jackson and j. reilly

via cecile, check out the MOBA site – lots of fun to be had here. except i think this piece, ‘the haircut’, is actually really good.