Archives for the month of: February, 2011

Dr. Jörg C. Gerlach has developed a stem cell-powered gun that sprays skin onto burn victims like an airbrush, and cuts the time of treatment from weeks down to ninety minutes.

via io9

From Moby’s blog:

ha. ha?

this morning i woke up and there was a complete stranger sitting in my living room. robbie.

i wake up at 7 a.m. i walk in to my living room. i freeze. there’s someone standing next to my couch.

me: ‘uh, who are you??’
him: ‘robbie’
me: ‘what are you doing here?’
him: ‘i’m here’
me: ‘i think you should probably leave’
him: ‘ok’. then he sat down.
me: ‘i think you should leave’
him: ‘ok’. continues sitting.
me: ‘is everything ok?’
him: ‘i might still be on acid’

so i gave him a sweatshirt (it’s chilly up in the hills) and some money for breakfast and sent him on his way. apparently he had taken a lot of acid the night before, had seen my house from the street, and decided to pay an acid inspired visit.

i guess he and i are both lucky. he’s lucky that i didn’t have guns and that i didn’t call the police and that i gave him some breakfast money. i’m lucky that he wasn’t a violent crazy person and that he didn’t stab me in my sleep. i’ve also decided that locking my doors might be a good thing. i know, who doesn’t lock their doors? well, i don’t. or didn’t . i mean, my neighbors these days are coyotes and frogs, and i just kind of assumed that a closed door was a good enough deterrent for a coyote or a frog. but i guess i’ll err on the side of security and actually lock my doors at night from now on.

i hope robbie’s ok, he seemed a bit lost. although i guess doing a ton of acid and wandering around griffith park in the middle of the night might be disorienting. i’m glad he didn’t get eaten by coyotes or mountain lions.

how was your weekend? did you have any strangers on acid in your living room when you woke up?


via LAist

♪♪ mameshiba! ♪♪

Um, I love Mameshiba. But even more, I love the sound the edamame makes when it is squeezed out of its pod. It’s been a long weird night of random videos, everyone.

Through some conversation with Eric, we started talking about Michael K. Williams and his fantastic characters. I hope these clips don’t get taken down because they are AWESOME.

‘the Wire’ season 2

‘Boardwalk Empire’ season 1

I am the first to admit that I am ill-informed of current events. The thing is, while school is on, I’m happy to listen to NPR news the whole commute, and I like knowing what’s going on in the world. But I don’t generally seek out the news (although I’ve got the news on right now if that makes anyone feel better).

With that in mind, even I noticed that some shit seemed to be going down in Egypt. I just had no idea really what. Something about a terrible president and elections and turning off the internet and etc. The problem is, all the news reports assume you already know a lot of the news that led up to the new news, so if you come late to the party, you just end up confused. It struck me that a lot of people are probably in the same boat, thus I am stepping forward to say, “I have no idea what’s going on.”

As is my custom when wanting to know the whole story behind some political/current event, I asked Eric about it. In general, Eric is the most well-informed person I know, and would not only be more concise than the million articles I’d find with a Google search, he’d be more entertaining and probably provide visual aids.

So, as a kind of tribute to Liz Tells Frank, my friend’s website wherein she explains terrible movies and books to our friend Frank, who doesn’t have the time or inclination to watch/read them himself, I offer you this transcript of the IM conversation that I am unofficially titling, “Eric Tells Kara About What’s Happening in Egypt” (slightly edited since IMing is pretty non-linear at times, and yes, Eric and I both know that Europeans did not become totally stupid during the Dark Ages, so you can hold your comments to that effect).

Read the rest of this entry »

Today’s Swackett forecast for my hometown:

…a little snow?

Answers a lot of questions, handy infographics.

by CGP Gray

Related: the Union Flag – three flags in one!

via Best Week Ever

click to embiggen

An annular eclipse occurs when the moon, slightly more distant from Earth than on average, moves directly between Earth and the sun, thus appearing slightly smaller to observers’ eyes; the effect is a bright ring, or annulus of sunlight, around the silhouette of the moon.

Time-lapse video and more info over at

via io9

My friend Mike made a music video for ‘I Want You So Bad I Can’t Breathe’ and it is AWESOME.