Archives for category: I just saw…

today i took my mom and dad to nate ‘n al’s in beverly hills for lunch (corned beef, pastrami, honey smoked turkey). as we were standing near the door waiting for a table i was kind of zoning out (as usual) and when i came to i realized i must’ve been doing the thousand-yard stare in the vicinity of this guy because suddenly our eyes met.

AND IT WAS BRENT SPINER. and inside? i was LOSING MY SHIT. but on the outside – totally casual as if i hadn’t just realized i was standing five paces away from DATA, EVERYONE. DATA! and he’s just, you know, sitting there having lunch with a friend like he’s a normal person and not also DATA.

so i point him (DATA!!!!) out to my mom (being sure to tell her to ‘be cool’) and to my dad as well (me: ‘be cool dad – be cool’; dad: ‘who is this guy again?’). after awhile we’re seated, and our table is around the other side of them and slightly behind so i can finally see who brent spiner (who is taller than i thought) is having lunch with…

AND IT’S MICHAEL DORN. WORF, PEOPLE! – WORF. and can i tell you? he is totally adorable (wireframe glasses!) and totally hot. and tall. and hot. did i mention hot? and my day? MADE.

you have no idea how hard it is not to ditch my parents right now so i can watch some ‘first contact’. seriously, i’m barely holding it together.

update: more trek fun for you – tng for comic relief, original series fun, my favorite episode of reading rainbow aside from the one where levar is sent on a birthday quest.

update: my friend jocelyn referred this entry to!

today i got up early and clayton, maria and i met meghan, josh and watson at runyon canyon. it was fantastic! we hiked up a pretty steep hill (a good training area to get into shape for snowshoeing in january) and got a really great view of los angeles. between panting for air. and gulping water. there were a lot of cute dogs (and i’m think this dog’s owner who we stopped to talk to was aya sumika from ‘numbers’. if it wasn’t her this woman looked a lot like her). on our way out of the park we helped a family look for their dog (it was found all the way back at the top of the crest). post-hiking we went to panera for lunch. an all-around great morning and i can’t wait to go back there!

update [wed. 8/15]: we all walked to the mall and there were fake police cars, a swat unit, an ambulance, dogs etc etc – they’re shooting ‘criminal minds’ in burbank this week. they were all over the mall tonight (shooting in front of aldo or thereabouts) and looked like they were set up to shoot in an apartment above a shop on san fernando. /update

tonight clayton, maria, chloe and i walked down to the village in burbank – chloe needed to be walked and maria wanted a bubble tea. as clayton, chloe and i were waiting outside the bubble tea place i noticed a familiar-looking guy walking towards us. did he look the same as in the show? yes, but thinner and wearing better/more normal clothes. also his hair looked thicker? i can’t think of anything else to say about it – i recognized him then immediately did my best to not look at him as he walked by because i didn’t want to stare or be a weirdo.

[personal site]

…i sort of feel like a tool for posting the myspace link. but hey. i’m trying to be thorough.