Archives for category: miscellany + errata

hm i’ve really slacked off on this website for the past month or so. this is the first weekend i can remember that i’ve actually been home. i’ve been keeping fairly busy lately – my birthday party with mark was friday and that was good – lots of people came and i think people had a good time. i brought my car up to chicago and it’s fantastic. so far i’m not sucking at parallel parking as much as i thought i would, although i did manage to scrape my sideview against the attendant’s booth right after the thingy where you put in your parking ticket at the exit gate of a parking garage. i’ve been cooking something every night due to the sudden ability to get good groceries. despite busy-ness i’m feeling pretty bored/depressed/lethargic. partly early-life crisis i guess – oh no! i’m 25 and i’ve accomplished nothing! etc. hopefully this will wear off soon. in the meantime i’ll squeeze pocket splug and i have to catch up on a whole season of battlestar galactica before friday.

it’s 90 degrees. with heat index it’s 103 degrees.

it’s 8:30pm.

it’s official! i’ll be in los angeles friday august 25th through early afternoon, monday august 28th. california friends, mark your calendars and check out my backpack page for details and updates.

itunes 666

last week across from the western avenue brown line, next to the delicious opart thai house, i saw new grocery-store-special-style butcher paper signs in the windows of the (ex?) B.P. video (purveyor of adult videos, most certainly). they said:


suddenly, more insight into eric’s personality: when he was little his mom read him ‘one day in the life of ivan denisovich’. when he was little. ‘ivan denisovich’.


(if you haven’t read that book – by alexander solzenhitsyn – you should. it’s fantastic. i think i have my copy here in chicago if anyone wants to borrow it.)

chipotle receipt

…uh. what? chipotle – don’t try so hard!

update: i see the meme is growing.

from jessica at insurgent muse, a random website i read every day. i don’t know her at all and i don’t actually remember how i first came to her site either. oh well.

please keep in mind that i:

  • am notoriously indecisive
  • was a film major and thus have about 15,000 ‘favorite movies’
  • watch approximately 6 hours of tv a day, own a tivo AND am a faithful bit-torrenter
  • work as a web programmer and am a nerd – thus i read about 30 websites every day and have about 10-20 others that i read on-and-off

you have been warned.

four jobs i’ve had in my life:

  1. data entry
  2. film/video equipment manager (cage monkey/guru for you rtvf-ers)
  3. video editorial/post-production
  4. web application programming

four movies i can watch over and over:

  1. clue
  2. tommy boy
  3. armageddon
  4. the big lebowski

four places i have lived:

  1. quad cities, il
  2. evanston, il
  3. chicago, il
  4. skip ahead to august and i can add london

four tv shows i love to watch:

  1. house
  2. lost futurama
  3. grey’s anatomy
  4. numbers

four places i’ve been on vacation:

  1. honshu, japan
  2. amsterdam, netherlands
  3. madrid, spain
  4. glacier nat’l park, montana/int’l peace park: waterton, canada

four websites i visit daily:

  1. achewood
  2. wil wheaton’s site (normally
  3. dooce
  4. engadget

four of my favorite foods:

  1. grandma’s coconut cream pie
  2. gyoza
  3. english-style meat pies panang curry
  4. frozen beef taquitos from trader joe’s

four places i would rather be right now:

  1. oakland, ca
  2. milan, il
  3. los angeles, ca
  4. [insert name of tropical island here]

four bloggers i am tagging:

looking forward to your responses!

  1. eric (check!)
  2. meghan (check!)
  3. tyler (check!)
  4. erin (check!)

you know, at the time, buying chocolate raspberry flavored scharffen berger ganache for lips seemed like a good idea. a nice lip balm change of pace for the holidays. it’s made from scharffen berger dark chocolate, raspberry extract and very little else. the problem?

it’s made from scharffen berger dark chocolate, raspberry extract and very little else.

it smells amazing. it makes me hungry. it makes me hungry for chocolate. expensive chocolate. but the only chocolate in my apartment is some hershey’s kisses remaindered from halloween. not exactly the good stuff.

i don’t know what i was thinking. next time i’ll just go all the way and buy some lip balm that tastes like gyoza or bacon.

um, so there are some pies and desserts here at work. FREE dessert y’all! so i decided to be adventurous and have some of the pie that no one knew what it was. except that i’m eating it and i still don’t know what it is. it’s sort of…brown. there isn’t stuff in it, it’s all mixed together. it’s like a brown cake with a thick brown gelatinous layer between it and the crust… uh…it’s not real fruity or sweet…in fact it smells savory…there is a light crumbly flour-y topping on it…what the hell is this??

update: this pie has a weird aftertaste.

update update: upon talking about where to eat in san francisco this weekend:

kara: or, man wendy’s does sound good. like, it sounds good RIGHT NOW

eric: it’s pretty close

kara: because i am HUNGRY

eric: hehe, sorry about that

kara: that pie must’ve been makeyoumorehungry pie

eric: maybe it was faux bacon and real marijuana

kara: lol

eric: bacon-flavored marijuana