Archives for category: miscellany + errata

office is going to summer hours – starting at 9am instead of 10am. it’s killing me. i was just getting into the work-every-day pattern, and now a proverbial monkey wrench has been thrown. plus i have to get used to getting up even earlier due to moving downtown – i can’t just take a 10 minute walk down the street to work anymore. plus i’m in college-town withdrawal. what will i do without 80 restaurants all within walking distance?! einstein’s, 24hour burger king, panera, noodles, thai sookdee, al’s….

also the earlier work day results in extreme hunger at odd hours. like 10 am. i’m going to try to hold out until noon, but this plan seems doomed to failure due to the fact that i’m already lightheaded and am having problems concentrating…and staying awake. i have learned from eric that od-ing on coffee is not the way to go here as it will just shorten my attention span. and why is it so COLD in here?!

but otherwise things are fine. carry on.

hey, the lead singer of wilco has a nervous stomach and throws up all the time just like holly! YOU’RE NOT ALONE!!!

he offered the extra banana gladly – of course she could partake in the fluffy delectability of the tropical fruit. he chewed the banana, savoring its delicate flavor. she began to peel her banana, carefully exposing the even white surface.

he watched in mute horror. she continued to peel the banana, tugging the soft yellow further and further down…

he could bear it no longer. his revulsion overtook him and he spoke carefully, struggling to keep his voice under control:

“um, could you do me a favor and take off the little sticker before you peel any further? it kind of grosses me out.”

Happy New Year!

i went to my high school friend, Pat’s (not roommate Pat) house for a little get together. saw some friends, reminisced, had some laughs, etc. it was a good time. but still, i miss my chicago friends and wish rush would be over already so i could stop being so anxious about talking to all those freshmen girls and trying to sell the sorority to them. i think about all the things i have to get done the first few weeks of the quarter and i want to curl up into a ball and weep. but tonight was fun and i hope everyone had a good time at their homes, or in europe (kate, mike – screw you both…i say that with love).

but on to the resolutions:

  • my mom’s new year’s resolution is to start referring to the year as ‘twenty-oh-three’ instead of ‘two thousand three’ and to mail birthday/anniversary cards at least 5 days in advance.
  • my dad’s resolution is to try to get along better with his mother in law.
  • my resolutions are to not be afraid of saying what i mean (or what i’m thinking when i think it), to go to classes at eac at least twice a week, and to spend at least half an hour a day on leisure reading, preferrably right before bedtime.

these seem reasonable to me. i particularly like the part where i get to read every night. hooray!


this is the part of the show where i vent my concerns, talk about my interesting (ha!) day, etc. supposedly. we’ll see how long this lasts. anyway, here are my current (and inevitably petty) complaints:

  1. why does pubweb only give out 4MB of space per user? i mean i guess i know why from a logical standpoint, but come on. FOUR MEGABYTES?! who are they kidding? so far i’ve gotten two of my friends to set up pubweb accounts so i can use their space too. then there’s the annoyance of making sure all those links work across the accounts.
  2. it annoys me when the tv guide says one thing will be on but then it isn’t. damn the man.
  3. why can’t i grow about 4 more inches? then i could avoid the inevitable pants alterations that have always plagued my existence. i can’t stand trying on clothes in the store, much less putting them on again to be measured. and did i mention that i absolutely hate shopping? i just want to get in and get out as fast as possible with what i came to buy. and i quote: “this dress exacerbates the genetic misfortune that is my life.”
  4. today my grandma informed my mother and i that she had found a little piece of “computer” and wanted to know if it was ours………..wha??
  5. ~kara