Archives for category: movies

the triplets of belleville‘ is awesome! i’ve not seen anything like it – completely unusual and beautiful animation, hardly any dialogue, great characters! highly recommended – this is definitely an adult movie though, there are some crazy bared boobs in the opening sequence…look at them bounce!

head hurts….sleepy….want to go to bed….argh.

btw – thanksgiving was great, had a great time and ate some awesome food that i didn’t have to pay for. ahh yes. i’ve seen master and commander. twice. was even better the second time!

saw ‘anything else’ tonight, the new woody allen film with jason biggs and christina ricci. it was…awesome. the most impressive part was that jason biggs played the woody allen character SO WELL. eerie. also it made me feel better about myself, because there is no way i am as out there as christina ricci’s character. i mean, i could ‘self-actualize’ by taking all of the aforementioned pharmaceutical aids, but even then i’d have a ways to go.

ok, so obviously i’ve been extremely busy in the past month, and specifically the past week. i’m busy onlining ‘the caseys’ and finishing up classes. graduation is in less than 3 weeks and my last final ever is tomorrow. after that i only have two papers left to write. this saturday is the studio22 premiere and after that’s over, my life will get 200% less stressful.

last friday i saw ‘finding nemo’ and it was AMAZING!! it was actually better than ‘monsters, inc.’ i think. it was so funny and touching and suspenseful and action packed…plus, sea turtles! it was beautifully animated and albert brooks and ellen degeneres were perfect as the leads. go see it NOW. NOW, I SAY! NOW!!!

man, it’s close-readings of films that make me happy to be a film major. check out this guy’s take on ‘the Matrix’

saw a sneak preview of ‘bruce almighty’ last night – funny stuff!

oh my goodness, amazing

mike and eric, those lucky bastartds, are on their way to l.a. for e3 to try out video games and have fun and merriment in the land of sun and parties and earthquakes and landslides and flash floods and plastic and….oh wait. maybe that isn’t something to be so jealous about. no…yeah, i’m still at work and in class while they’re driving down the coast in their convertible so…yes, they are definately having a better time than i will be since i have papers to write and interviews to conduct and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

‘the matrix: reloaded’ opens this week!! YAY! jim bought 35, yes THIRTY-FIVE tickets for friday’s showing. all of compositing + the office are going. ‘yes, sir – how many tickets do you want?’ ‘mmm…you know, how about you just give me a whole theater?’

last night we went to lou malnotti’s for pizza and it was SOOOOO good. mmmmmmm. i almost can’t believe that that building, where yesterday’s used to be, is the same festering hell-hole that i spent two weeks in two summers ago. the ceiling was caved in, the smell was horrible, it was damp and 100 degrees, insects and god knows what else scampering around, high voltage film equipment stung in the basement which was rapidly flooding up towards the breaker box when it started to rain and since none of chicago drains AT ALL the streets were flooded and we were trapped there with a mass electrocution ready to happen at any moment while the director went insane and started swimming in the streets.

‘identity’ was, indeed scary, but between mike and my theories, we pretty much had the movie figured out by the halfway mark. tonight we’re going to see ‘x2’ and i am SO EXCITED!!!! everyone says how awesome it is, and i can’t wait to get my geek on. i’m heading over to the theatre at 7 to check out the line situation and maybe have a few drinks at the rhythm room.

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if you couldn’t tell, the first couple weeks of class have been really busy. my schedule is going to kick my ass. good news: anal/perf is going well and everyone seemed to really like my personal narrative performance.

today kate, mike, eric, kyle, and i went to see the ‘cowboy bebop’ movie. it was way better than i thought it would be! it was really cool. what wasn’t cool were the heaters that were right in front of us so it was like sitting in a sauna for a couple of hours. a tightly packed sauna. afterwards we went to an irish pub nearby for something cold to drink so we could rehydrate after the heater incident. also we ate ‘potato logs.’

last night we went to glow, a club on clybourn. free drinks between 11 & 12. super.

now i’m just sort tired and lazy feeling. maybe i’ll take a nap. hm. i’ve been having really weird vivid dreams lately.

today i go home for the weekend! dad’s picking me up in about half an hour. then it’s good food and my piano all weekend. good thing i’m going home because so far this weekend looks pretty crappy weather-wise. it’s all gray and rainy and humid and gross. but that cold humidity, not warm. so you just feel sort of clammy all over.

meghan and i watched ‘liberty heights’ last night and it was really great. i highly recommend it. although it was a bit longer than either of us expected. but adrien brody and ben foster were really great.
