Archives for category: videos

via io9

via io9

via elaine

via science news:

Scientists spotted the animal, known as an amphipod, frolicking in a hole drilled through the ice in late 2009.

This video feed comes from a camera looking upward from the bottom of a hole that has just been drilled through the ice using a jet of warm water; the jet creates a scalloped pattern as it swirls downward.

via buzzfeed

via pleix

eric sent me this link to a k-pop group that has the same name as me. don’t know how to feel about that. at least they’re all hot and have neat outfits?

earlier performances before they decided to go more mature with their image: ‘mister‘ and ‘honey‘.

The White Mountain from charles on Vimeo.

the face-cleaning starts at about 1:35

warning: this video’s audio track is some sort of high-pitched feedback squeal that drove me nuts inside of 15 seconds. maybe mute your computer. the only sound is tiny munching noises, anyway.