What if you drew everything you ate…for 30 years?? A Tokyo chef did it, and you can see his beautiful drawings (some are pop-ups!) here.
What if you drew everything you ate…for 30 years?? A Tokyo chef did it, and you can see his beautiful drawings (some are pop-ups!) here.
This is Ash Vickers‘ wonderful tribute to Harold Ramis [obituary]. He writes:
So Long, Egon.
To those who are asking, No, I don’t think the Ghostbusters would trap Egon and shove him in with all the other malicious ghosts. I think Egon would want to know what it’s like to be in the trap in the interests of science. The caption on this might as well be “No guys…. It’s fine! I’ll be fine. I’ll see you soon!”
I drew this as a tribute to Harold Ramis, or as I first came to know him, Egon Spengler. RIP, Harold. You will be missed.
Best new thing! Great illustrations by paperbeatsscissors. More at BuzzFeed.
via BuzzFeed via Renee
via New York Public Library Digital Gallery via Retronaut via io9 via Tiffany
Eric directed me to this post over at Brain Pickings about the 11 best illustrated children’s books of 2011. They’re all pretty cool (check out the Edward Gorey and the Brothers Grimm!) but these illustrations of Hindu deities by Pixar animator Sanjay Patel really caught my eye:
Illustrated by Other-in-Law, here is a beautiful tapestry-style map of Westeros, the fictional land of A Song of Ice and Fire. Included are a lot of easter eggs for those of you who are familiar with the whole series.
From a new exhibit of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-inspired art:
by Drew Falchetta – click to embiggen
by Kali Meadows – click to embiggen
via BuzzFeed