A music-theory mystery! Seth Stevenson investigates the time signature of The Terminator’s Score.
Brad Fiedel’s Main Theme from The Terminator:
via Liz
A music-theory mystery! Seth Stevenson investigates the time signature of The Terminator’s Score.
Brad Fiedel’s Main Theme from The Terminator:
via Liz
This might be the best thing ever. I wonder what Blackstreet thinks.
Mogwai’s score for ‘Les Revenants‘ is amazing. Atmospheric, epic, great music for star-gazing or laying the dark feeling your feels.
via Eric
by Landshapes, formerly Lulu & the Lampshades
All of his singles are great. This live mash-up video blew up last year. It broke my brain. Can’t wait for an album!
I’m basically copying Heather’s post in it’s entirety because…yeah, pretty much sums it up. Check out the video at the bottom—totally amazing.
This comment on a Metafilter thread (left by Bitter Old Punk) about the band says everything you need to know. Or you could just skip straight to the video and let the chills travel up and down your arm:
Last June or July, one of their videos gets picked up by the music blog Aquarium Drunkard. It gets the attention of one of the blog’s readers, Pat Hood of Drive-By Truckers, who tracks down lead singer/guitarist Brittany Howard (who is working for the post office in Athens, Alabama at the time). He invites the band to open a few shows for DBT. By October, they’re headlining a CMJ showcase show. By December, they’ve all quit their day jobs, have professional representation, and are shopping their demo to labels. By April, they’ve played sold-out shows in the UK and US, their album hits #5 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #3 on the UK charts.
It’s an amazing story. They’re an amazing band. If you have the chance to see them live, do so. Elizarde and I saw them last December in Birmingham in a small club that was packed to capacity. They started slowly, ratcheting things up with every tune. By the end of the show the crowd was sweaty and gasping and transported – glorious, truly one of the best shows I’ve EVER seen.
As it happens, their attorney is based in Birmingham, and I kinda know the guy as friends-of-friends. He’s a former professional musician himself, who played in a couple of popular indie rock bands in the 80s and 90s. During the Shakes set, I turned to him and said, “We’re watching something really special happen here, aren’t we?” He grinned and mopped sweat off his face and replied, “Fuck yeah we are.”
And here’s the capper. Because they’d been on such a whirlwind, the Shakes hadn’t spent much time at home. So before the show, a whole group of old people came into the club and quietly were ushered backstage. It was all of the band members parents. See, they had picked that night to shoot their first “official” video, and they wanted their moms and dads to be there with them.
Anyway, from everything I’ve heard from people who know, this band is not only super-talented, super charismatic, and super soulful, they’re also really nice smart level-headed people who’ve surrounded themselves with quality people and are intent on being in the music business for the long run.
In three years, Alabama Shakes will be a household name, you’ll hear their music everywhere, and EVERYONE will know who Brittany Howard is.
And it couldn’t have happened to a more-deserving bunch.
Again: the album’s pretty damn good, but GO SEE THIS BAND LIVE. They are absolutely transcendent.
The other day, I was lucky enough to be at an event to bring the arts back into schools and got to see an amazing collaboration between Yo-Yo Ma and a young dancer in LA, Lil Buck. Someone who knows Yo-Yo Ma had seen Lil Buck on YouTube and put them together. The dancing is Lil Buck’s own creation and unlike anything I’ve seen. Hope you enjoy.
–Spike Jonze
via Opening Ceremony via Danny
Everything is better set to the ‘Inception’ score.
via Tiffany
You are listening to Los Angeles is a fantastic project Eric created. He combined LAPD police radio with some ambient tracks to create a soundscape that has caused at least one person two a lot of people to mention ‘Blade Runner’.
If you’d like more info about the project, or want to submit an original music track for the site, email Eric.
update 4: An iPhone/iPad app is in the works! Head over to Kickstarter and help take URL2.LA to the next level! Also – if you refresh your browser, you’ll see that Eric has added 12 new cities to the You Are Listening To family.
update 5: Eric was interviewed as the Kickstarter blog’s featured creator, and URL2.LA was featured in this week’s (Feb 10) Kickstarter newsletter.
update 3: Coverage in Japan! So This (or Sothis? No idea.) Also, an interview on Hyperallergic.
update 2: Boing Boing has posted a link to the newest ‘You are Listening to” site, You are Listening to Deep Thought.
update: the site has been linked to by the LA Times Tumblr, a bunch of other Tumblr users, Reddit (a couple times), Metafilter, the Daily What, it’s been posted on Nerdist, Boing Boing, LA Weekly’s blog, In Your Speakers, Buzzfeed, NBC LA’s blog, Dave Malkoff’s blog at KTLA (and also was featured during the March 28, 2011 10pm news broadcast, see below), Justine Bateman’s company Section 5’s blog, blogging.la, and LAist, and it has been tweeted by many, including Andy Baio from Waxy, Hotwire, Rob Sheridan, Richard Metzger, Joel Johnson, Mark Morford, and Tony Hawk. Gapers Block linked to the Chicago site. You can read interviews with Eric on Gentleforce and the Atlantic Cities, and it has been ‘liked’ over 3000 4000 11,000 27,000 times on Facebook! Plus, as a side bonus, my Flickr page for that photo of Los Angeles has gotten almost 200 hits…in the mere 27 hours since the site has gone live!
Some comments/phrases from listeners: Michael Mann, ‘Heat’, gripping, fucking brilliant, ‘Homeworld’, Soul Coughing, weirdly compelling, poignant, and a former LAPD police dispatcher called it ‘a masterpiece’.