Archives For author

Josh Worth’s graphic recreation of the solar system, to scale, with one pixel representing 3474.8 km (that’s 2159.14 mi). If you have the patience to scroll all the way to the gas giants, he has some interesting commentary about the inconceivability of enormous numbers and of the emptiness of space.

This is Ash Vickers‘ wonderful tribute to Harold Ramis [obituary]. He writes:

So Long, Egon.

To those who are asking, No, I don’t think the Ghostbusters would trap Egon and shove him in with all the other malicious ghosts.  I think Egon would want to know what it’s like to be in the trap in the interests of science.  The caption on this might as well be “No guys…. It’s fine! I’ll be fine.  I’ll see you soon!”

I drew this as a tribute to Harold Ramis, or as I first came to know him, Egon Spengler.  RIP, Harold. You will be missed.

Brian made this for me!!

I love these intros so much! I remember how excited I was to find that the illustrator had also done plates for a certain favorite children’s (although upon later reading, maybe not entirely appropriate for children) mystery book series…

Stephen Merchant, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Jimmy Fallon. Amazing.

Really upset I can’t get this in the states.

via Eric


Taken by Reddit user hayloo who said, “Saw this storm while flying into Denver”:

hayloo: Saw this storm while flying into Denver

click to embiggen

Well, maybe not quite this megalomaniacal.

via Scott Maxwell

Hooray! I'm helping! /></a></p>
<p><em>via Eric</em></p>


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Slowly but surely! Here’s one of Eric and me from our first full day, and second hike of the trip. We did the whole Devil’s Garden loop. I think it took something like 4.5 hours.

me and eric

Man, I miss that hat.

Full set here