Archives for category: movies

the trip home was good, as usual. thanksgiving lunch/dinner was awesome and i played euchre and double-deck euchre with my aunts, grandma and cousin allllll afternoon which was FANTASTIC.

food, glorious food

my aunt pat, who much like myself does not cook (the running joke is that she and my uncle built a kitchen in their house purely for resale value), made this awesome veggie casserole and i have to remember to get the recipe because darn it, if she did it, so can i. my aunt jo made the desserts and oh! what desserts. pumpkin pie and pumpkin roll and the best pecan pie i think i’ve ever had. my cousin matt’s wife jenny makes this really good cranberry-orange relish stuff that goes really well with…everything, actually, but is particularly good on turkey.

my grandma is in charge of the turkey every year. she and my grandpa drive it over in their giant metal broilingroastingcookingwhatever pot and then my dad carves it and my grandma makes gravy from the drippings right there in the bottom of the pot. it’s like magic! grandma is also famous for her homemade chicken & noodles, so she made some of those too.

my mom made candied yams and a different kind of mashed potato. she bought a potato riser this year, so dad milled a bunch of potatoes then mom added sour cream and something else delicious and therefore horribly fattening. the potatoes came out sort of like a coarse mash (although not so coarse as the delicious SAGA smashed potatoes) but with a slight flavor that was not overpowering and went very well with grandma’s turkey gravy.

i managed to take it easy during the actual meal but spent all of euchre-time eating cold turkey from a little plate and then around 10pm, after everyone had gone, my mom and i pulled our usual post-huge-meal-weirdness and raided the leftovers, leaving nary a cauliflower in the veggie tray.

other culinary delights: my parents took me to the circle tap for ribs on friday night, my mom took me to chick-fil-a saturday afternoon and my parents, grandparents and i all went to the maid-rite for lunch on friday. since i’m doing the whole seattle sutton thing (see above where i mention that i don’t cook), the whole idea of actually picking what i want to eat (instead of having a set menu) was rather novel.


the quad cities is a good sized metropolitan area and there are a couple of nice movie theatres, but the movie offerings aren’t nearly as varied as in chicago (nor can they be expected to be as such). thus, i had problems deciding what movie to see on friday (which was also my dad’s birthday). i decided on ‘walk the line‘ for a second go-round, because a) not much else was playing at the right time and b) i knew my dad wanted to see it and it was his birthday and he should see something he wants to see no matter how much he insists that i pick what i want to see. anyway, it was good the second time around, maybe better.

saturday there was a dearth of good tv, so mom and i went to the rental place in milan to pick out a few movies. but of course, since i see at least one (usually 2-3) movie a week, i had already seen almost everything, and my parents usually see a movie every week or so too. also, it was thanksgiving weekend and a lot of movies were completely checked out. we got ‘sahara’ (which i heard was bad, but was also described as indiana jones meets ‘national treasure’ and i think both of those are great so what the heck) and ‘the upside of anger’ (which tyler, i think, had mentioned was pretty good). i liked ‘sahara’ and thought it was a lot of fun, although i could see how it might be poorly received and i thought ‘the upside of anger’ was good, mostly because character studies or movies with grown-up topics are rare lately.

sunday the bears played, so while dad cheered them to their victory mom and i went to the moline theatre and saw ‘pride & prejudice‘ with 40 or so other football widows, their daughters, granddaughters and friends and a few guys who maybe don’t like football, whose team wasn’t playing, who are just a really good boyfriend/husband/son, or (my strongest hypothesis) who think keira knightly and/or rosamund pike are super-hot and wanted to drool for a few hours. the movie was really good. now i’ll have to rent the bbc colin firth miniseries. i know i know! i’m sorry, i just never got around to seeing it before. anyway, it was sort of odd seeing matthew macfadyen play mr. darcy (someone so serious and quiet) since the only other thing i’ve seen him in is ‘maybe baby‘, a little british film starring hugh laurie and joely richardson, wherein he plays a really annoying executive who is always wearing a cellphone headset (a tool tool, as meghan and i would say). he was good though, as was keira knightley and donald sutherland and brenda blethyn and everyone else.

i spent the rest of the weekend getting my eyes checked and watching tv and buying new mittens. aunt jo brought logan and caleb over for a bit on saturday (my mom printed out some open house invitations for my cousin and her new husband and new daughter). nothing else real exciting except for the aforementioned food and movies and euchre and seeing my family and cat and the joy of being transported everywhere by car and not having to wait out in the cold for said transportation to arrive and coming home to a house that is the perfect temperature and probably has a fire going as well. odd, the things that you miss the most. i’m already looking forward to christmas.

just finished watching the director’s commentary for star trek: first contact. man, that movie is SO good. The Best Star Trek Movie, in my opinion. oh, there’s wrath of khan and everything, but the fact of the matter is first contact is almost perfect. i think a big part of what makes first contact so good (and what made nemesis so very very bad), is jonathan frakes and brannon braga and ron moore. nemesis, while well-meaning, was like a kick in the nuts. what kind of send-off for the franchise was that? the director clearly didn’t care about the character relationships or the history of the show, and i’m appalled that no one stopped him at some point to ask him what the hell he thought he was doing.

meanwhile, jonathan frakes was intimately familiar with the source material (the tv show), had a real respect for the franchise and knew how to capture the moments that made the audience feel the history of the characters and their loyalty and sense of family and all of those other fuzzy feelings that make a movie special (also, patrick stewart’s ripped arms. mustn’t forget the surprising sexiness of picard as action hero). brannon braga and ron moore wrote a script with fantastic pacing, a titillating premise and rich secondary characters – i cannot honestly, or in good conscience, refer to shinzon as a ‘rich character’. i’m not even sure that’s john logan’s fault – i think the movie was simply poorly executed. it was stylistically interesting, but where was the heart? no moment with geordi about the death of his best friend? wtf? sad. really really sad.

i think i’ll continue my nerd-day by either watching the commentary for insurrection or the hunt for red october (another facet of my nerdiness: submarines. also naval aviators. it runs in the family. the navy, not the nerdiness.)

tonight i saw the neil gaiman-penned ‘mirrormask‘ and it was…AMAZING. and i don’t mean it was good or cool or gee-whiz, you should see it – it was The Most Breathtakingly Original Movie I Have Ever Seen. i’ve seen a lot of movies and i’ve never seen one that looked so incredible.

it was produced by jim henson’s shop and it’s sort of a modern-day ‘labyrinth’ or ‘neverending story’. except that it completely blows those movies away visually. ‘mirrormask’ also has one of the best credit sequences ever – right up there with ‘seven’, ‘a series of unfortunate events’, ‘catch me if you can’ and ‘fight club’.

currently ‘mirrormask’ is in limited release, but if you’re lucky enough to live in a city where it’s playing, you really should make the time to see it in a theatre. if you’re interested in neil gaiman (and joss whedon – i’m about 1/3 of the way through ‘firefly’), here is an interview with both men from TIME.

oh my sweet god, amidst all of the poster-making excitement here at work, i almost forgot to mention this – ‘serenity’ is opening this weekend. how excited am i? SO EXCITED. if i can hold off seeing the movie for long enough i’m going to try to rent (or, let’s face it, buy) the whole series so i can watch it before the movie.

other movies i want to see: ‘the prizewinner of defiance, ohio’, ‘a history of violence’ (did you guys see viggo on ‘the daily show’ the other night?), ‘thumbsucker’, ‘everything is illuminated’, ‘the greatest game ever played’ (i both despise shia labeouf and am strangely drawn to him) and ‘2046’. i saw ‘corpse bride’ last weekend and it was delightful! i am happy for fall, both because i love the season and because the movies always get better – more ‘serious’ – during the colder months. not, as you know, that i’m adverse to mindless popcorn fare – sex, explosions and gunfights. i mean, i am the proud owner of the criteron of ‘armageddon’.

update: ‘firefly’ – bought and half-watched. it’s even better than i remembered!

random updates since i haven’t written in a week:

i saw ‘murderball‘ last night and it definitely lived up to my expectations. the guys they profiled were really interesting and they found a lot of good dramatic arcs to fill out the main story.

this past friday eric and i went to lombard to hang out with mark and that evening lindsay had a picnic in a park in lombard. pat and jess came too. lindsay made this really good hummus and had some veggies and cheese and chips. it was an exceptionally good picnic and it was good to see all of those guys.

this weekend eric’s sister and her family are coming down from minnesota. jim has a few games while they’re here so i get to see my first hockey game! there might be some museum and zoo trips too. next weekend is the workshop at hamilton. mark’s letting me borrow his digital slr so i can take some better photos of the museum and the town.

wedding crashers‘ is the funniest movie i’ve seen since ‘old school.’ you must see it. plus, you can see christopher walken being rather un-walken for a change. any rachel mcadams fans out there? she does a good job as the Perfect Girl. however, in my opinion isla fisher, who played the slightly-psychotic sister, stole the show.

this weekend ben and sara are in chicago for a baptism and they’re crashing at my place. they had yesterday to hang out so sara when downtown to visit some of her old co-workers and ben and i drove up to evanston to meet mark and eric.

ben and i found mark in urban outfitters and he insisted on us finding some clothes for him. eventually he ended up buying a shirt with a backwards franz ferdinand logo. ben and i got some ice cream at the cold slab creamery and we went to that little mexican cafe to sit and get something for mark. we got the seven salsa sampler and mark got a margarita. after eric got off work he met us at the restaurant then we went to the century theater to see ‘charlie and the chocolate factory.’ johnny depp was hilarious, but the movie as a whole was a little odd.

after the movie ben went to pick up sara downtown and mark, eric and i went to the jewel on chicago for beer and wine. we all met up at el tapatio for mexican food and margaritas. jon called while we were there so ben and sara picked him up and we all reconvened at my apartment for drinks and music and trying not to fall asleep. we watched some family guy on the tivo and the guitar was passed around – it was a great night.

photos from yesterday are posted on my flickr page.

over the weekend i saw two movies, “march of the penguins” and “me and you and everyone we know.” both were great.

“march of the penguins” follows a group of emperor pengins for a year of their life. it focuses on their extraordinary mating habits and child-rearing. it’s beautifully shot and if you don’t think penguins, particularly baby pengins, are adorable, then there must be something wrong with the cute-center of your brain.

“me and you and everyone we know” is the new film by performance artist miranda july. it stars july and one of my favorite actors, john hawkes. it’s a very different kind of movie – one that unflinchingly depicts some very real-feeling situations and emotions. there are some incredibly funny scenes – i can’t remember the last time i laughed so hard – and a lot of those little details that make characters feel real and make you think – ‘hey! i know someone who does that!’ or ‘i do that!’ or ‘that is just like so-and-so!’

most importantly, both of these movies will actually leave you feeling good – not just satisfied or excited – but a warm fuzzy feeling of goodness in the world. okay, maybe i’m overstating it a bit, but i think feel-goodness in a movie is important and is something that is becoming rare. “march of the penguins” is in wide-release throughout chicago and “me and you and everyone we know” are playing at the centure theatre in evanston, the landmark and the esquire.

saw the midnight screening of sin city last night in evanston. it was pretty cool – it looked amazing. i didn’t expect it to be a series of individual stories and i was surprised by how bizarrely violent it was, but it was good enough that i’d totally see it again. unfortunately the theatre’s air conditioning wasn’t on so it was a sauna by the time it was over. one thing about the movie that was sort of annoying was that a character would be introduced and then right away get killed. i mean come on! at least let me get to know him for a WHOLE FIVE MINUTES before you splatter him all over the screen. also annoying was that it actually made me not hate jessica alba. what was incredibly awesome? uh, the beginning! what a great introduction to the tone of the movie! also, the part where this guy gets shot by an arrow is really funny and, again, the look of the film in general. and, ok – to be totally girly here…clive owen was so hot. soooo hot. i would pay to watch him read the phone book.

trivial pursuit in blue grass was great – my dad’s side of the family goes every month and this time we had enough people for 2 tables. we split into two groups: those aged 25 and under (my cousins, me, our boy/girlfriends) and everyone else. the kids table did really well – we were in 3rd place almost the whole time! 3rd place! at the end some other tables snuck up on us and knocked us down to 5th, but it was the best showing we’ve had so far. i think that we should’ve gotten 10 extra points for every pitcher of beer we drank…there were 8 people at the table, 7 of us were drinking and we had at least 8 pitchers.

sunday brunch with all of my mom’s family was really nice – it was my grandma’s birthday and my grandparents’ 63rd anniversary. yes. 63. the supper club had a great buffet and a lounge singer complete with drum machine. my cousin put in a request and everything. afterwards we went to grandma & grandpa’s for some visiting.

the weekend was too short for my liking, but i did manage to see almost every member of my family in one fell swoop. i also got to pet my kitty for a good 3 minutes before i sensed she was ready to eat my hand. i even got her to purr. i miss her. 🙁

the kitchen redecoration is going well – the walls have been repainted a nice soothing green, the refrigerator is in the middle of the room, the dishwasher is in the formal dining room and all the furniture except for the table and chairs in the nook is in the hallway…everything except the carpet should be done in just a few weeks.

that eating with my left hand thing isn’t going too well. that is, i had decided that in the interest of time and not embarrassing myself and my family i should not eat with my left hand at restaurants. unfortunately i’ve basically ONLY been eating at restaurants (or sandwiches with my hands) the whole weekend. tonight i’ll experiment with soup and let you know how that goes.

guess what opens this weekend? CONSTANTINE! i can’t remember the last time i was this excited for a movie. probably lotr. i’m going to go see it on saturday or sunday, depending on how i’m feeling after jon’s friday night bar birthday extravaganza. tomorrow night is half-price pizza and half-price movies at city north…hopefully i’ll finally get to see ‘finding neverland’…i saw ‘hotel rwanda’ (awesome) last week so this is pretty much the last one i need to see before the academy awards.

oh right, today is valentine’s day. i keep forgetting because a) i’m not big on holidays and b) i’m not going to see eric till 10pm because of his class. my dad did manage to slip my valentine’s box of pixies in between some mended jeans – i didn’t find them until this morning so it was perfect. thanks dad! (hug)