Archives for category: quotes

during ‘king kong’ last night (which was awesome), carl denham says to ann darrow, ‘i’m someone you can trust. i’m a movie producer.’ i immediately and completely involuntarilyHA!!‘-ed, putting the full force of my diaphragm behind the guffaw.

it was totally silent in the theatre and no one else laughed. at least, no one else laughed as explosively as i did.

now, i realize my reaction was a little…overboard, shall we say, but seriously – NO ONE ELSE thought that was funny?? what gives? i felt like a leper. i guess, as eric pointed out, that joke probably played better in LA.

former roommates

kara: did you see the pic i posted – where jon and eric look like a couple

andrew: haha – no


andrew: haha – lovely – adam and steve

kara: ?

andrew: adam and eve, not adam and steve!

kara: OHHHH

andrew: they really look quite charming

kara: yes – i wish it had been more in focus – but it was cold out there

andrew: yeah – camera softness = subject softness 🙂

kara: they just seem really happy to be…touching…each other

andrew: yeah – i mean, look at those hands

kara: clutching!

andrew: tenderly

kara: you almost sense that just before this they were…kissing

andrew: or found out jon was pregnant

kara: LOL – YES

andrew: and the nesting begins!!

see more pics of the party via eric’s flickr page.

re: cecile’s halloween costume (a pasty)…

andrew: i was expecting a tasteful and invisible doily…

cecile: this was made from white gaff tape, construction paper and glitter.

eric: what’s the name of that paper your parents get?

eric: ‘the argonaut’?

kara: ha!!

kara: no…’the ARGUS’!

um, so there are some pies and desserts here at work. FREE dessert y’all! so i decided to be adventurous and have some of the pie that no one knew what it was. except that i’m eating it and i still don’t know what it is. it’s sort of…brown. there isn’t stuff in it, it’s all mixed together. it’s like a brown cake with a thick brown gelatinous layer between it and the crust… uh…it’s not real fruity or sweet…in fact it smells savory…there is a light crumbly flour-y topping on it…what the hell is this??

update: this pie has a weird aftertaste.

update update: upon talking about where to eat in san francisco this weekend:

kara: or, man wendy’s does sound good. like, it sounds good RIGHT NOW

eric: it’s pretty close

kara: because i am HUNGRY

eric: hehe, sorry about that

kara: that pie must’ve been makeyoumorehungry pie

eric: maybe it was faux bacon and real marijuana

kara: lol

eric: bacon-flavored marijuana

eric: mike thinks that “revenge is a dish best served cold” was coined by the writers of star trek

kara: uh…i think that’s been around for awhile

eric: yeah that’s what i told him.

eric: i came up with this new philosophical concept. it’s called “prevenge”

kara: …i can guess what that is

eric: basically you just assume everyone will screw you over at some point, so you get them first!

aaron: i think there’s another word for that. it’s called “schizophrenia”

upon sending me this link:

eric: can i rent that place out for parties?

* geez, if you don’t know the backstory behind that…uh…well it all started with dan and this theory about john woo and his long-suffering assistant…see woo doesn’t actually do any work, his assistant does it all but never gets the credit. everyone’s on set and the 1st ad or whoever is all, “hey, where’s woo?” cut to the inside of a strip club where john woo is sitting there watching the girls and exclaiming in a really high voice, “boobies for woo! woobies for woo!” …i guess you had to be there. and hear it in dan’s voice.

stop looking at me like that.

headline reads: Now even the CEO can edit the company Website!

kara: did you see that ad at the bottom left?

kara: the headline strikes fear into the heart of developers everywhere

kara: what developer is going to buy that?

kara: that is HORRIFYING.

eric: what ceo wants to edit the website anyway?

eric: don’t they have better things to do?

eric: like coke and whores?

kara: you’d think

kara: that’s what i’d be doing if i were a ceo

eric: i think i might actually get involved with the site

eric: but only out of a perverse desire to screw with developers

eric: just think how much trouble you could cause if you actually did know what you were doing

kara: ha

kara: what schemes would you concoct?

eric: hmmm

eric: i think just removing random close tags would keep people guessing

eric: transposing letters in php variables

eric: string -> srting – something like that would take a while to find.

kara: LOL

kara: that is SO MEAN

eric: i know. i’m just kidding

eric: anyway, it’s probably way more destructive when real ceos screw things up

eric: cause eventually i’d be able to tell people exactly what i did, but they’d have no clue what they’re doing.

kara: ah. they’d be like, uh….huh? you needed those dollar signs?

kara: or whatever

eric: yeah – i opened it in word to take a look and then when i saved it all the line breaks got weird!

eric: cecile says she’ll eat anything

eric: even “swiss chard”

kara: HA

kara: well, i don’t like swiss chard. it’s bitter!

eric: it has a cool name though

eric: like you were trying to say swiss cheese, but got sucker punched in the middle of it

eric: oh man, what’s andy dick doing on [the teen choice awards]? they shouldn’t let him near those kids. he’ll be pickin’ up on the girls. …or boys! …or both!!

kara: …is he gay?

eric: i…i think he’s a little bit country…and a little bit rock ‘n roll…