Archives for category: quotes

one reason, anyway. after i looked at our australia/new zealand trip itinerary:

me: wow this is so expensive

me: i owe you forever

mom: naw

mom: you’re worth it

mom: 🙂

mom: you might go back there some day – but i doubt if we will

me: i don’t know if i will – it’s so far away!

mom: i’m sure nathan (your future husband) will want to go there

mom: fillion

my parents usually have turkey bacon for sunday breakfast but a few weeks ago my mom fried up some real bacon she had leftover, prompting dad to say yesterday, out of the blue:

there are probably things we should carry regular bacon in the house for. …like, everything.

carrots! medicinal carrots! personal use medicinal carrots…that were here when i moved in…and i’m holding it for a friend.

re: this awesome time traveler essentials print by ryan north:

eric: hehe

eric: yeah

eric: i saw that the other day

eric: tempting

eric: especially as a print

kara: i like the ‘woo’ on the wing cross-section

kara: ha in this [print] he gives the chemical formula for synthetic birth control

kara: this is totally the kind of thing that would be great to have on the back of the bathroom door so you can contemplate it while sitting there doing your business

eric: mike has that one from questionable content that just says “mmm… that’s good poopin”

kara: i think that would freak me out

kara: i mean, i don’t need my BMs evaluated like it’s the olympics or something

eric: 6.8

today at the ortho the woman at the make-a-new-appointment counter asked me a question. the words didn’t quite process so i had to ask her to repeat her question three times. finally:

me: [lightbulb flickers on. weakly.] oh! “perfume

her: yes – what kind are you wearing?

me: [slowly, still confused] uh i’m not wearing any perfume.

her: oh. …really?

me: [resisting urge to sniff own armpit] …uh. yeah?

topher: our problems are huuuge. and indomitable.

adelle: oo. i could eat that word. or a crisp. do you have any crisps?

topher: …you haven’t seen my drawer of inappropriate starches?!*

although the best moment might be the reveal that topher isn’t wearing any pants. or when mr. dominic freaks out (petting his own arm: “soooooft. like a kitty!”).

* note to self: create drawer of inappropriate starches.

mom: guess what we did today

kara: ?

mom: well, dad went in to help load some of jessy’s things to move down to peoria this morning at 9

mom: i was going to go in to help load the u-haul after i took grandma for her hair do

mom: but dad was done before i even took grandma

mom: sooooo – we went to look at the 09 toyotas and test drove one

mom: picked up lunch and then went to zimmerman’s to test drive & look at the civics


mom: we were just going to see what they could offer us with a trade in and ended up buying one!!

mom: the deal maker for buying the car was she threw in the mud flaps ($149) for free

kara: mud flaps were the deal maker?

kara: are you kidding me?

mom: not really – but we were ready to leave and she asked what would it take to buy it today

kara: ha

kara: and you said free mud flaps?

kara: which are only $150?

mom: well, it was a pretty good deal to begin with

mom: like i said – we really weren’t planning on buying a car today – it just kind of happened

kara: hm

kara: you ‘accidentally’ spent $15,000?

mom: kinda – maybe – sorta

kara: can you ‘accidentally’ spend $2000 on a new computer for me?

mom: LOL

kara: i mean you saved a ton of cash on those mud flaps…


mom: dad’s almost rolling on the floor

kara: if the macbook air had a 2200×1600 res screen or whatever my dell has, i’d buy one in an instant, lack of processing power or optical drive be damned

kara: the lack of screen real estate is the one thing that really annoys me about this effing powerbook

kara: that and how i dropped it so now it doesn’t close properly

eric: oop

kara: but surely it marks some kind of personal progress that i still have it and am not planning to buy another laptop and haven’t even attempted to have it fixed

eric: try dropping a shelf on it* or pouring some beer in there to see if that fixes it

kara: HAHA

eric: that’s what i’d do**

kara: yeah, this is a different computer

kara: it’s not titanium

kara: so it’s crappier

* on dillo day, senior year, i closed (ok maybe slammed – it was around noon so i was probably already kinda [pretty] drunk) the door to my room, and one of my wood and glass wall-mounted dvd cabinets fell off (out of?) the wall and landed on my tibook. then it bounced and made a nice triangle-shaped hole in the desk from where the corner hit it. the tibook walked away with a very small dent in the cover that you could see only when the light hit it properly. no screen damage. no performance changes. god i miss that thing.

** when eric was courting me he spilled a bottle of beer over the keyboard of my then-new tibook (which i’d left at work, open, rendering something in after effects) then, after the other guys at the office had heroically emptied it out and dried it (hooray for the compartmentalized removable keyboard), eric decided not to leave a note saying it had happened. you know, ’cause maybe i wouldn’t notice that it had changed position on my desk (with MY ocd? yeah right.) or that it smelled slightly off or there was a nick in the screen where i assume the bottle hit it. ahhh romance. next time i’ll tell you about how eric accidentally burned my hand the first day of our european vacation. wait, i already did. …ok, maybe i haven’t made as much personal progress as i thought.

kara: (eats ham from plastic package)

kara: (and it’s delicious)

pat: haha

pat: i thought you had tons of leftover ham!

pat: why from a plastic package?

pat: (also, in my mind, you are holding the plastic package with both hands, biting down on the top and tearing the ham out cartoon style)

kara: all of the leftover ham is in the big pot of awesome split pea soup maria made

pat: ooo

kara: your vision of my ham-eating is pretty close

kara: i have zero table manners when i eat by myself

pat: my vision was more of an idealized fantasy

pat: so i’m glad to hear it

kara: your idealized fantasy of your girlfriend eating is that she does it in the manner of a cartoon animal?

kara: dude, i have to maybe reevaluate things here

2 slices of pink baloney, an orange, some gross squishy oreo. some powdered milk. i kept my packet of powdered milk as a souvenir. it doesn’t even say “milk” on it. it just is a little white packet that says like “Bernard (Copyright 2006)” or something.